
Nashville, Tennessee, April 30, 2024 – The Forest Resources Association (FRA) honored Dr. Eric McConnell, Associate Professor in the Department of Forestry at Mississippi State University, as the 2024 National Technical Writing Award winner at FRA’s National Annual Meeting Awards Dinner in Nashville, Tennessee on April 30th. FRA Southwide Region Manager Clay Altizer introduced Dr. McConnell and shared a short summary of the award-winning Technical Release. FRA Chairman of the Board, Pete Stewart, presented Dr. McConnell with a check from FRA and a plaque to commemorate his accomplishment. McConnell graciously accepted the award, spoke a few words about what motivated him to author the Technical Release, and thanked his wife Lynn, also in attendance, for her continuous support throughout his academic career. Dr. McConnell is also the recipient of the Southcentral Region Technical Writing Award, which was given during the Southcentral Region Meeting in Nashville on Monday, the 29th.

FRA’s 2024 National Technical Writing Award winner, Dr. Eric McConnell, pictured giving remarks after accepting the FRA award.

FRA publishes Technical Releases four times a year, with many of these articles being developed entirely or in part by members. FRA recognizes their efforts by giving awards for the best member-written technical releases in each region. Each year, the steering committees representing each FRA region submit their best member-written Technical Release to the FRA National Operations Committee for National Technical Writing Award consideration.

Altizer stated, “Dr. McConnell’s outstanding article this year was both timely and relevant, and undoubtedly, well-received by FRA membership. His Technical Release titled “Forestry and Inflation: Friends or Foes” examines the inflationary impacts on timber price returns from two Southern forestry perspectives. Dr. McConnell’s latest contribution reinforces the strong bond that exists between our land grant universities and the forest products industry.  His outstanding work provides an excellent overview of an important topic that has impacted all sectors of the wood supply chain over the past few years: inflation.”

FRA’s 2024 Southcentral Region Technical Writing Award winner, Dr. Eric McConnell, pictured holding the FRA award plaque.

About Forest Resources Association (FRA)

FRA is an association representing the interests of more than 330 organizations and businesses in the forest products industry, including forest landowners, suppliers, consuming mills, associated businesses, and state forestry associations. Members all share a common interest – they rely on FRA to promote the public policy interests of the forest products industry’s supply chain on Capitol Hill and our work to advance safety, operational and technical efficiencies, and supply chain relations. FRA has member representation in 49 states and 384 Congressional Districts.

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Vanessa Connelly

Communications and Marketing Manager

[email protected]