Annual Dues – Foreign Industry Consumer



Any firm is eligible for Foreign Industry Consumer Membership if it engages as a consumer of wood fiber or woody biomass which is manufactured into other products in plants or related manufacturing operations outside the U.S.

Dues Assessment

Dues assessment of Foreign Industry Consumer (Non-Voting) members is based on the consumption of all wood fiber as it enters the member’s company (non-U.S.) manufacturing processes for the preceding calendar year. Consumption is reported in January of each year in green short (2000-pound) tons.

NOTICE: Membership dues payments to FRA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes, but may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Annual Wood Fiber Consumption in Green Short Tons

Up to 1,125,000, 1,125,001-2,500,000, 2,500,001-5,000,000, 5,000,001-7,500,000, Over 7,500,000