THATS Foundation Doing Its Part to Promote Dash Cameras as an Effective Tool for Trucking Safety


A few weeks ago (January 16, 2025), FRA hosted a webinar titled “Navigating Risk: Insurance Strategies and Legal Safeguards in the Forest Industry”. Steve Barnett, Vice President/Forest Products Program Manager for BITCO Insurance Companies, provided a fantastic overview of several critical insurance topics, including nuclear verdicts, litigation funding, social inflation, and strategies for mitigating claims frequency and severity. 

Steve highlighted the vital importance of using dash cameras in log trucks. Also, he shared how telematic devices can be a sound investment for business owners as an effective safety mitigation and compliance tool.  I encourage everyone to take some time to watch Steve’s webinar, and while you are in the webinar-watching mood, be sure to take advantage of the other FRA member-only webinars archived on our website. FRA members have access to a wealth of industry resources—if you’re not a member yet, consider joining to stay informed and connected.

In keeping with the dash camera theme, I want to mention a project funded by the Timber Harvesting and Transportation Safety (THATS) Foundation. The THATS Foundation is partnering with Mississippi State University (MSU) on a project, “Promoting Camera Technology to Improve Safety in the Mississippi Log Trucking Industry”. Justification for the project is clear – a recent statewide (Mississippi) log trucking industry survey (2022-23) reported that 61% of responding firms had road-facing cameras. Still, only 23% used the data as a driver training tool. According to James Shannon, MSU Extension Forestry Specialist, and project principal investigator, “This revealed an outreach opportunity since a substantial proportion of log trucking firms were either not using camera technology or failing to employ it to improve and maintain driver skills.”

The project aims to educate log trucking businesses on the advantages of using truck camera systems. Specifically, through this initiative, log trucking business owners will be introduced to the use of camera technology as a tool to potentially increase safety, prevent accidents, improve safety records, and stabilize insurance costs. Factors that limit full implementation will also be identified and explored. Representatives from Vestige, a truck camera provider, will provide extensive training on utilizing the technology. The topic will be reinforced through provided literature and presentations by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, liability insurance providers, and the MSU Extension Service. Regional workshops will be held in Mississippi and neighboring states.

Representatives from the Mississippi Loggers Association, Mississippi Forestry Association, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Mississippi Department of Public Safety, and VestigeView Solutions will provide extensive training on the complete utilization of camera technology and management practices to protect against accidents. The workshops will be held in three Mississippi locations: Verona, Petal, and Meridian.  Dates and exact locations, as well as site-specific registration QR codes, are listed below.

Meeting dates and locations:

As of press time (January 30, 2025), registration is still open, and seats are available in each of the three workshops. There are no restrictions for participation.  Any wood supply value chain stakeholders with an interest in dash camera training are encouraged to register and attend. The training workshops are free for participants, but registration is required.

For more information on the workshops contact James Shannon – (662) 316-3894.