The Value of a Visit to Capitol Hill for FRA Members


The Forest Resources Association (FRA) provides an effective member voice in Washington D.C., defending against threatening legislation and regulations and advancing public policies that support our industry’s sustainability. FRA works with its membership base to advocate for the issues that are critical to the entire wood supply chain. Fostering and bolstering our members’ voices is our top priority. The Fly-In experience is a great opportunity for emerging leaders in your business to gain valuable experience.

As a public policy initiative, FRA holds Legislative Fly-Ins, allowing our members to petition the U.S. Government, advocating for the issues that matter most to maintaining a viable wood supply chain. The Fly-In provides an opportunity for in-person visits with decision-makers and, where it matters most, on Capitol Hill. During the Fly-In, our members meet with Members of Congress and their staff, work with Congressional Committee staff on our issue priorities, and engage with Executive Branch Agency and Department officials. FRA members embody the voice of the wood supply chain, promoting the forest products value chain and their needs. It is a valuable experience for all those who attend.

Join us for this year’s Legislative Fly-In on the ground in our nation’s capital this September 26-28. Help FRA move the needle! Time after time, our Washington, D.C. Fly-In has proven to be an effective way not only to show Members of Congress the breadth of our membership and the industry’s value to forest-based rural economies across the country but also to energize our membership base. FRA members come away from this unique experience exhilarated at having the opportunity to communicate their unique experiences to key policymakers and network with their colleagues as they work together to advocate for policies that matter most to their business/company.   

This year, FRA is making a special effort to engage our Emerging Leaders. What better opportunity for tomorrow’s leaders, those making critical decisions for our industry in years to come, to experience the corridors and halls where laws are made? While we love to see seasoned Fly-In veterans return to Washington every other year, the need for young professionals in the sector to engage is real. We encourage our member companies to select and send their emerging leaders to this year’s Fly-In. This experience is a great way to further their professional development and give them an opportunity to give back and support the forest products supply chain that anchors the communities in which we live and work. Give them the opportunity of an invigorating experience to exercise their Constitutional right!

Let us know how we can help you. FRA’s team will line up all the meetings and make sure you’re well briefed on our policy priorities along with key messaging to use. Let’s show up in force and show this year’s government officials that we mean business! We promise you’ll be glad you did it!

Register for FRA’s 2023 Legislative Fly-In!