Support “TEAM Safe Trucking” Programs
Commercial truck driver training will likely be mandated by the federal government in the not-too-distant future. The forest industry has a unique opportunity to develop and provide “common sense” commercial truck driver training programs using TEAM Safe Trucking training modules and templates. The programs should improve log trucking safety awareness, and better driver safety performance should help reduce truck insurance costs over time. (See
TEAM Safe Trucking has depended on truck drivers, loggers, insurance experts, wood consumers and others as these truck driver training modules are being developed. These “common sense” commercial truck driver training programs will produce more safety benefits than a program mandated by the Feds using political appointees, professors and others with “Dr.” attached to their name, who have never driven a truck, not to mention a log truck.
TEAM Safe Trucking is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. TEAM Safe Trucking needs financial support to continue development of log truck drivers’ safety training programs nationwide. TEAM Safe Trucking is seeking grants and other means to secure funding and continue the great work being done. Your financial support is extremely important and donations of any amount large or small are deeply appreciated! Please review the information below that outlines some of the immediate benefits provided to our financial sponsors/supporters.
I want to give a great big THANK YOU to many of you that have already stepped up in a big way to support TEAM Safe Trucking!
Become a TEAM Safe Trucking Educational Sponsor!
Be a leader in promoting a positive change!
Support Forestry Transportation Safety Training!
If you want to sponsor and/or provide training through your company or organization, please review the listings below:
Wood Consumer Advocate Sponsor
$2,500/per year max $15,000
Per mill location using training
Administrator access
Access to training records
Insurance Partner Sponsor
Managing General Agent, Program Administrators
$2,500/per year/per region
Northeast, Midwest, South, West
Administration Access
Access to training records
Insurance Agency/Agents Supporter
$1,000/per year/per region
Administration access
Access to training records
College/Institution Supporter
$1,000/per year
Per location
Administrator Access
Access to training records
Logger Association friend
$1,000/per year.
Per state
Administrator Access
Access to training records
Timberland management and Land Owners
$5,000/per year
Administrator Access
Access to training records
Timber dealers
$1,000/per year
Administrator Access
Access to training records
Logger looking To Train Subcontractors
Administrator Access
Access to training records
For more information, contact:
Miranda Gowell
Special Projects Manager
Team Safe Trucking, Inc.
3881 Ten Oaks Rd. 2E, Glenelg, MD 21737
Office: 877-399-7757
Mobile: 207-841-0250
[email protected]