Terry Conley/TC Company: 2016 Western Region Outstanding Logger


Albuquerque, NM – The Forest Resources Association’s Western Region has recognized Terry Conley of TC Company, as the Region’s 2016 Outstanding Logger. The award was recognized at the New Mexico Forest Industry Association’s Board Meeting held on February 21, 2017 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Terry now becomes a nominee for FRA’s National Outstanding Logger recognition.

Jose Varela Lopez with the NM Forest Industry Association nominated Terry for the Regional Award.

Noted Jose on the nomination and win for Terry and TC Company: “Terry is very deserving of this award, and we are proud to have him as a member of our association. Terry’s resilience and ability to diversify are some of the reasons he has remained successful in a dwindling industry.”

Terry worked with his father started their own milling operation in 1961, and he’s been in the industry ever since. He started TC Company in 1988 where he learned the art of diversification and moving where the market brings you. In 1993 all harvesting activity stopped on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests due to federal environmental litigation, so he moved his logging operations to accommodate the market.

NM Forest Industry Association Director Jose Varela Lopez (at right) presents 2016 Regional Outstanding Logger Award to Terry Conley.

(NM Forest Industry Association Director Jose Varela Lopez (at right) presents 2016 Regional Outstanding Logger Award to Terry Conley.)

In 2001 he took a chance and purchased a masticator before the treatment was being utilized in New Mexico. His vision paid off, and he was on the cutting edge of innovation for this treatment. Land managers paid attention, and liked what they saw. TC Company’s in-woods operation now includes two feller bunchers, self log loader, log truck, masticator, front loader, back hoe, skidder, grader, wood processor, and wood chipper. Over the last fifteen years, Terry has evolved the company to have the capacity to handle whatever type of treatment land managers’ request.

TC Company employs four heavy equipment operators and one foreman for the in-woods operations. The sawmill operations employ ten people. Safety is a large part of day to day activity, and all employees are trained. Some of the programs utilized include: NM Forest Workers Safety Program, Hazard Material training, Thermal Stress Awareness, Lightning Awareness and Electrical Safety Basics, Welding Safety. Prior to each workday, a tailgate safety briefing is conducted.

Terry’s commitment to his employees is apparent. One of his near term goals is to have better insurance coverage available for his employees.

The Forest Resources Association Inc. is a nonprofit trade association concerned with the safe, efficient, and sustainable harvest of forest products and their transport from woods to mill. FRA represents wood consumers, independent logging contractors, and wood dealers, as well as businesses providing products and services to the forest resource-based industries.

Stihl, Inc. is the sponsor for the Outstanding Logger program. Each regional winner receives a Stihl Chainsaw and a $250.00 check from Stihl.