Forest Resources are any value or benefit deriving from the forest. They include forest products, of course, but also fish and wildlife habitat, watershed protection, air and water purification, and recreational opportunities.

This term recognizes the connected interests that are all necessary to generate value in forest resources. The chain begins with the landowner and continues with planting and land management through harvesting and transporting of raw wood products to processing and manufacturing into paper, lumber, other finished products, and woody biomass as a renewable energy source. Each of these links needs to be strong to promote the common goal of a sustainable forest resource.

The nation’s industry consumers of unprocessed wood fiber, including pulp, paper, and building products plants; the nation’s suppliers of unprocessed wood fiber, including logging contractors and wood dealers and trucking businesses; enterprises that support the forest resource industries, such as providers of equipment, tools, and services; owners and managers of forest lands; and other forestry associations.

FRA is a forum in which all members of the forest resources community can meet to solve problems and leverage opportunities within the wood fiber supply chain.

  • Facilitate networking

Stay on top of the latest trends in forestry through networking and committee work, undertaken through meetings, conference calls, and email exchanges, and share our members’ expertise in projects—whether to develop a training curriculum, draft voluntary performance guidelines, or form policies. FRA’s strength lies in its diverse membership’s commitment to shared values.

  • Coordinate activism

Through its regional structure, FRA has a strong grassroots advocacy network and recognizes individuals and organizations committed to supporting the right to manage forest resources on a sustainable basis through both regional and national award programs and documenting successful or promising actions in its publications. FRA mobilizes its geographically diverse membership to respond to action calls on national public policy impacting the industry.

  • Be a change agent

FRA’s active national and regional committee structure has allowed FRA to lead the forest resources sector in a culture that supports strategic objectives to become more knowledgeable, acquire new skills to increase safety, productivity, and a motivation to make a difference in the workplace. As changes occur in the wood supply chain, FRA and its members have both the depth and agility to identify and foster adaptation among supply chain components.

  • Provide member education

FRA has developed education modules to provide training and timely information to fill members’ educational needs on business, safety, professional development, and operational skills topics, all designed to create opportunities for company and employee success.

FRA provides a voice for its members in DC on policy or regulations that impact the wood supply chain. We strive to educate elected officials and decision-makers so they can make informed choices. FRA’s policy priority areas include labor, transportation, forest-based biomass, and preserving independent contractor rights. FRA additionally expands our policy outreach in working with allied associations in the areas of federal land management, endangered species, trade policy, and climate change

Click Here to review FRA membership categories and join FRA.


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